“Shift the system: How healthcare teams can prioritise powerfully, say no with confidence, and fall back in love with their work.”


Do you want to help your team set better boundaries, say no powerfully, and prioritise their time and energy?


In this 3-part mini video series based on the Shapes Toolkit you'll learn powerful, practical techniques your team can implement straight away to transform how they set boundaries.


Just enter your name and best email address in the fields below and click the orange button to access this brand new training series.

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In this 3-Part mini video series you'll learn:

✔︎ Why boundaries are the key to your team’s success (and the mistake most of us make when setting them)

✔︎ The art of prioritising - a.k.a. How to say “yes” and mean it

✔︎ How to love your limits and understand why saying “no” is helpful

✔︎ What to do when you get pushback or others complain (most advice on boundaries misses this crucial strategy!)

Who's Dr Rachel Morris?

Dr Rachel Morris is the host of 'You Are Not  A Frog' podcast, a former GP, and an Executive and Team Coach.  A specialist on resilience in the workplace for people in high stress jobs, she is part of the Faculty for the University of Cambridge (Institute for Continuing Education Post Graduate Certificate in Medical Education) and regularly lectures around the country on leadership, resilience, workplace stress and thriving at work.

Dr Rachel Morris