Shapes Masterclass
Booking Page
How to help your teams say no, set boundaries, and deal with pushback
Are you a leader in health and social care with a busy day job, who is worried about the level of stress and burnout in your team, and wants to get a resilient, thriving happy team - without burning out yourself?
Patient demand and recruitment issues causing spiralling workloads means that people are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, going off sick or leaving altogether creating even more work for those who are left.
We’ve tried working harder and longer but have run out of hours in the day. Rather than get more done, you may be finding that, the harder you work, the LESS productive you are. As a leader you may be wondering what else you can do to help your team, when the usual time management strategies just don’t work anymore.
This webinar will cover:
✔︎ The real reason we struggle to set boundaries
✔︎ How to say ‘YES with purpose (so that you can say no and mean it)
✔︎ How to set boundaries - and stick to them
Complete the form below to sign-up and attend this Shapes Masterclass presented by Dr Rachel Morris on Tuesday 18th October at 7-8pm.