How To Lead Without Rescuing
Protect your time and energy - and stop doing everything yourself.
A free LIVE 60-minute training for doctors and busy healthcare professionals, with Dr Rachel Morris.
Tuesday 4th February
7:30pm - 8:30pm GMT.
If possible please sign up using a personal or non-NHS email address as your firewalls can be a little over-zealous and you might not receive the emails back from us. If you're struggling to sign up then please try from a home computer or get in touch with us [email protected]
Healthcare teams are under more pressure than ever. Overwhelm and burnout are a constant presence. Our best people go off sick - or quit altogether.
As a leader, you end up doing double the work. After all - if you don't do it, no-one else will.
But how long can you carry on like this before burning out yourself?
If you lead or manage a healthcare team and want to know how to protect your time and energy and get more done - without taking on everyone else's stuff as well as your own - this 60-minute training is for you.
At this interactive live webinar you'll learn:
Why healthcare teams get stuck in overwhelm and stress, and what you can do to break the vicious cycle
The dynamic we inadvertently set up by trying to fix things ourselves, and how it can actually make things worse for the people we're trying to help
How to empower your team to take back control of their time and manage their own workloads.
At the end of the webinar, you'll learn how you can access more resources to support leaders and teams in the Shapes Academy - our online membership for doctors and healthcare professionals who lead teams.
Join Dr Rachel Morris, host of You Are Not A Frog podcast, former GP, and specialist in resilience at work, for this practical online workshop, designed specifically for busy doctors and leaders in healthcare.
You'll discover new tools and strategies you can use to say no and set boundaries, take a coaching approach, and focus on your real work without feeling guilty.
(You know - the things you'd be able to get on with if you weren't stuck sorting out everyone else's stuff...)
When your team are under huge pressure, and the strain is starting to show - you want to do whatever you can to help.
After all, when people are going off sick; burning out; or falling into conflict - you have to do something.
But coming to the rescue and taking on their tasks as well as your own isn't the answer.
In fact, it can entrench a mindset that keeps team members stuck, helpless, and over-reliant on you.
(Not to mention leaving YOU feeling overwhelmed and one crisis away from burnout...)
Find out what you can do instead to empower your team and build their resilience, even with an overwhelming workload.
Register Now

About Rachel Morris
Dr Rachel Morris is an Executive and Team Coach and a former GP with a background in Medical Education.
She knows firsthand what it’s like to feel overwhelmed and one crisis away from not coping.
Now, she helps doctors and other professionals in high stress, high stakes jobs beat burnout and work happier.
Rachel is also the host of the Apple Top 100 UK Business Chart podcast You Are Not a Frog, keynote speaker, coach, and creator of the Shapes Toolkit resilience training programme.
When Rachel's not working, she's catching up on podcasts, reading everything she can about neuroscience, happiness, psychology and philosophy, getting active or listening to live music.