We’ve cherry picked some handy resources to help you reduce stress and increase your resilience. You can take back control, thrive in your workplace and love what you do

If you’re a GP in a high stress job and you want to thrive rather than just survive, these resources are for you. Use these to help you be the master of your own destiny. Make simple changes which will make a huge difference to your stress levels, your resilience and productivity and help you enjoy life again.

What does resilience in General Practice really mean?

A video podcast where I talk to eGPlearning about resilience vs burnout and how to protect yourself as a GP

You are not a frog – a podcast for GPs

A podcast for people high stress jobs who want to thrive rather than just survive. Most of us went into medicine to improve people’s lives, and have an interesting and varied career.

Are you burning out?

 My BBC article about this occupational phenomenon.

Are you exhausted all the time, feeling cynical towards your work responsibilities and find the demands of your job overwhelming? You could be suffering from burnout.


Want to improve almost every aspect of your life? Try this…

Ever had that niggling feeling that you’re not firing on all cylinders? Here are some ideas to help you lose weight, make you concentrate better and be more creative.

How to address a workplace and culture that is creating stressed people 


1 hour watch

This helpful video will give you the tools to tackle embedded issues that create a workplace that’s challenging to thrive in.

A sane, scientifically-validated approach to reducing stress across your organisation. 

Find out what scientists and performance coaches know for sure about how we can get the best out of ourselves and our teams, without ever burning out.


How to help your team proactively manage their own workload

50 minute watch

A pathway through stress management to help you get the best out of yourself and your team, backed by scientific evidence.



The Health and Safety Executive’s guide to beating work-related stress.

10 minute read

Over 11 million days are lost at work a year because of stress at work. Find out how to manage work-related stress so you can protect yourself and your team.


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