Welcome to our Wellbeing during COVID-19 resources blog. Each of our blogs links directly to one of our 6 rules for keeping calm during the COVID crisis.
Anxiety can sneak up on us, and it's not always practical or possible to take a deep time out.
Here's a great quick fix; try this breathing exercise to immediately help you in those moments of rising anxiety.
Not only is it useful during the day to create a moment of pause, it has helped me fall asleep on several occasions when even the lavender oil hasn’t worked.
Anyone who has practised yoga will testify the power of mastery of breath leading to mastery of mind. Fortunately, you don’t need to stand on your head to benefit from this exercise.
Whilst we’ve been inundated with articles on the merits of physical exercise and its benefit to our overall sense of wellbeing, it’s not the panacea of calm.
Even the nation’s PE teacher Joe Wicks has talked this week about his mental health struggles during lockdown.
We’re seeing an increased number of people reporting disturbed sleep, in fact #cantsleep has been regularly trending on Twitter.
In our online resources section, Rachel wrote that sleep is the single most important tool to improving your almost every aspect of your life.
Without good sleep no matter how well nourish our body in other ways, we will increasingly deteriorate in energy, mood and skill.
You’re probably familiar with the best sleep tips, but here’s a great reminder should you need one.
Personally lavender oil has always tricked my mind into restful sleep, quite possibly psychosomatic conditioning but successful nonetheless.