Welcome to our Wellbeing during COVID-19 resources blog. Each of our blogs links directly to one of our 6 rules for keeping calm during the COVID crisis.
There are some really interesting articles out there on why our sleep is so greatly affected by the lockdown. With some of us sleeping more than ever, others are struggling to sleep at all and almost all of us are reporting some downright bizarre occurrences in our dreams.
Our background anxiety is heightened thanks to the COVID crisis and this offers some insight into the state of our dream scenarios.
There are many factors around the lockdown that are impacting on sleep and a lot centres on routine and structure.
We normally take 3 months to adjust to new routines of magnitude so it’s not surprising that our routines are still in a state of limbo,
Understanding your own natural rhythm can be helpful. Are you a night owl or an early bird? Honour your body’s natural inclinations where you can.
There is so much to explore on sleep and my recent article on the importance of sleep is a great place to start.
Simple reminders when it...