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One-to-one coaching

Supporting YOU to design a life and career you'll love 

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Many healthcare professionals on the frontline are overwhelmed, exhausted and one crisis away from not coping. They have multiple responsibilities and very little time. 

They know something needs to change but can’t work out what it is.  

What’s more, they are so busy surviving the present that they have no time at all to think properly about what they really want, what needs to change, or what is even possible.

If any of this feels like you, we’re here to help.  

We believe:

It IS possible to craft a life in which you feel calm and happy and wake up excited to go to work.  

It IS possible to get control of your time and workload and look after yourself in the way you’d like to look after your patients.  

It IS possible to develop your career and craft your job role, even if you don’t want to leave. 

Dr Rachel Morris and her team of Executive Shapes Coaches know what it’s like to be one crisis away from not coping, to feel dissatisfied with life and on the edge of burnout, and have helped countless healthcare professionals find their way when it feels impossible to survive the day job, let alone thrive in life.  

One-to-one coaching with her and her team will help you feel calmer, make better decisions, and thrive in work AND life.  

Click here to download our brochure and find out more

Special Bundle Offer!

Beat Stress and Thrive Course PLUS 1-2-1 Career Coaching!

If you want to take control of your career, your time and your wellbeing, and design a life that you'll freakin' love then this offer is for you!

Individuals can access three online one-to-one coaching sessions with one of our Shapes Coaches, plus the flagship Beat Stress and Thrive! online course for Healthcare professionals, plus NEW: 1 year's membership to the Shapes Academy  presented by Dr Rachel Morris for only £1499 incl VAT.

Download our brochure for more information

One to One Online Coaching

Our online one to one coaching sessions are designed with you in mind.

Each session typically lasts 1 - 1.5 hours and is fully focussed on helping you to uncover what it is you want and then helping you to make the changes you need to. 

One to one coaching can help you to:

  • Focus on how you will plan your working week
  • Think through how you will manage through the new ways of working
  • Manage yourself for wellbeing and resilience
  • Reduce your stress and anxiety
  • Think through any area where you currently feel stuck
  • Design a life and career in which you can thrive

Contact us to find out more.

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