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Programmes & Trainings

Shapes Toolkit Training

The Shapes Toolkit is a breakthrough resilience training course for professionals in which we use seven different key productivity, resilience and coaching tools to help delegates take control of their time and workload, increase their wellbeing and change their response to stressful situations.

Find out more for healthcare

Find out more for other organisations

Shapes Academy

A membership for managers in healthcare and other high stress organisations who want to get happy, thriving teams. It provides all the essential training, tools and support they need in order to reduce the overwhelm of being a great manager - all by doing less & not more! 

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Permission to Thrive

Permission to Thrive

A monthly membership programme that delivers transformational webinars and training sessions for doctors to help you cope through the COVID crisis. It's hosted by Rachel Morris and Dr Caroline Walker (aka The Joyful Doctor) and each session is aimed at stopping the stress and helping you make the changes you want so that you can start thriving at work and fall in love your job again!  

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Login to your Permission to Thrive Membership here

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Work Well Webinars

A annual subscription programme of monthly evening webinars for organisations in health and social care who want to help their teams to work well on the frontline in stressful jobs using the Shapes Tools. This programme covers topics such as how to manage stress and anxiety on the frontline, how to work well through menopause and how to be happy at work and includes a bonus Wellbeing QI Toolkit for teams and practices.  

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One-to-One Coaching

We work with doctors and other professionals in high stress jobs, providing them with one-to-one coaching, helping them to design a life and career that they're going to love! 

We also provide Executive and Team coaching for leaders, helping them to increase their impact and influence and take control of their workload and resilience so that they can thrive in work and life. 

Find out more about coaching for healthcare professionals

Find out more about coaching for other organisations

Beat Stress and Thrive for Healthcare Course

The Beat Stress and Thrive Course is a breakthrough resilience e-learning course for healthcare professionals based on the Shapes Toolkit Programme that will provide you with the tools and support you need to go from overwhelmed and exhausted to thriving and successful in work and life.  

It consists of 4 modules containing core lessons and and useful assignments and is worth 4-6 hours of CPD. 

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Keynote Talks, Webinars and Workshops

We offer interactive webinars and workshops for your organisation based on different aspects of managing stress, managing your teams, conflict, productivity and wellbeing using coaching, wellbeing and productivity tools from the Shapes Toolkit.  

Dr Rachel Morris can also deliver keynote talks for away days or annual conferences, focussing on how to stay mentally fit in the workplace, how to beat burnout and how to stay calm and productive through the new ways of working

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Our face to face conference! 

For the first time this year, we ran FrogFest 2024 at the Moller Centre Cambridge. 

Over 100 of us got together for a day long event to think about how to 'Design a Life You'll Froggin' Love!'.

Find out more and get on the waiting list for next year by clicking below. 

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A 60-minute e-course

Get your life back is a 60-second mini-reset for people under pressure who feel overwhelmed with never ending tasks and are finding it difficult to say no or set boundaries around their work.  Based on our flagship 'How to say no, set boundaries and deal with pushback' workshop, this online course will give you some time and space and help you ditch the guilt of never being able to do enough. 

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