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Shapes Toolkit Mastermind Programme for Managers

A breakthrough, online group-training programme for mangers in high stakes, high stress jobs, to help them stay calm, productive and resilient through the COVID crisis, and support their teams to do the same





Get in touch

Take control of your work

The Shapes Toolkit training will give you the tools to beat stress, feel calmer, make better decisions and increase your wellbeing and focus

Support your team better

The mastermind peer group sessions will help you to use the Shapes Toolkit resources to support your team for resilience and productivity - without burning out yourself

Get the resources you need

The Shapes Toolkit course will provide you with the resources you need to have better conversations with your teams and help them to solve their own problems

Frequently Asked Questions

The Shapes Toolkit is a series of coaching and productivity tools, put together in a training programme that will transform the way you approach your work. Each of the seven shapes give a new way to look at issues and helps you take control over your wellbeing, your response to stressful events, your productivity, your conversations and your work environment. 

We have been running the Shapes Toolkit all over the country for doctors, managers and individuals in high stress jobs. 

  • Two x half-day live mastermind online group modules delivered through Zoom
  • Shapes Toolkit course handbook and a dedicated online resources area
  • Focussed online discussion group forum and support in between sessions
  • An email hotline to the Shapes Facilitators

For further details, please get in touch.

Session 1: Introduction, beating stress in the workplace, change your response to stressful events. Prioritise your time and take control of your work

Session 2: Take control of your wellbeing, have better conversations to empower your team, learn how to take a coaching approach

Yes! This can also be delivered as four x two-hour online workshop sessions as well as a day long face to face session. To discuss requirements, please get in touch [email protected] 

Want more information?

Get in touch for more detailed information about the programme - we'd love to chat about your requirements and can design bespoke programmes to suit you and your team.

Get in touch to find out more

Dr Rachel Morris

Rachel is a GP turned executive and team coach, a keynote speaker and specialist in resilience in the workplace. She works with doctors and other professionals in high stakes, high stress jobs to help them beat stress and take control of their work to thrive in work and life. 

She developed the Shapes Toolkit through working with teams who felt overwhelmed by the demands of the job and wanted to work better together. Together with her team of Shapes Coaches, Rachel delivers the Shapes Toolkit to a number of organisations across the country and has worked in many different industries including publishing and the NHS. 

She regularly lectures to groups of doctors all over the country on resilience and leadership and is also a tutor for the PGCert in Medical Education at Cambridge University.

Rachel is also the host of the popular podcast 'You Are Not A Frog'

Your Facilitators

The Shapes Toolkit Mastermind Programme will be facilitated by Shapes Toolkit creator, Rachel Morris or one of her team of professional coaches

Meet the team!

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