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Staying Calm during COVID

Welcome to our Wellbeing during COVID-19 resources blog. Each of our blogs links directly to one of our 6 rules for keeping calm during the COVID crisis.

The one super skill home working has give us.

Thanks to video conferencing we now know much more about our colleagues' lives (how their stress levels have been raised by constant interruptions from kids; how their cat looks like 80's TV character Alf; that they own an industrial grade coffee machine hence why they are SO alert).

Some people have even been introduced to their colleagues somewhat quirky partners whether they wanted to or not - anyone fancy a superhero bombing your Zooms?

We have a great opportunity now, to convert that knowledge into more empathic interactions as we transition to the re-entry phase. 

That better understanding of what happens in our colleagues lives can make us more patient, ask better questions and show greater understanding when we’re faced with an unexpected reaction to a circumstance.

We will ALL at some point in these next few weeks, behave in a way we don’t expect. 

The 5 minute team check-in video Rachel created a few weeks ago has received a great response...

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How to look out for your team when tensions are high

The easing of the lockdown measures is starting to divide option almost as forcefully as Brexit.

It's understandable that we have such polarising opinions when people are so vastly and differently impacted. Each of us has overlapping concerns about the current status and the future potential.

There's the colleague with a newborn, the one with parents in a care home, the one who is suddenly a single parent and needs to pay for unexpected bills, the one with an autistic teenager who desperately needs social contact.

Whilst we can debate, and listen and contest, what we really must do, especially in our professional capacity - is show compassion.

We don't know the background to everyone's story, and each person's story is driving their fear. We don't have to agree with their sentiment, heck - we don't even have to give it air, but as this article explains, without compassion we might break the bonds we so very much need with our co-workers.

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It's OK to Say No

Whilst the demand from people to meet virtually seemed like a great resource for connecting in the early days of the lockdown, the lack of separation from home, work and social space can start to feel overwhelming.

No longer can we make our usual old excuses for not joining in when we just need some time out. No longer do we have a commute to offer us separation from home and work which gives a chance to decompress whilst we move between the two aspects of our lives.

If you just need some space, finding ways of kindly but politely refusing a ‘virtual’ catch-up is important to ensure you protect your needs, without causing offence. This article offers a great validation to this need and a couple of tips to help you too!

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Self compassion is a necessity

So today won’t be a typical Easter Sunday. It’s easy for us to want to create something perfect for our families even in the best of times. 

Have you ever put such undue pressure on yourself that you find something simple, like breaking a dish or burning the roast potatoes has sent your emotions flying? 

We’ve all had those moments. Give yourself a break and remember to practice self-compassion. If you were a guest at your own table this weekend, would you be as hard on you as you are on yourself usually? Of course not, and remember - your family don’t expect perfection from you either.

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Be kind to each other

A simple text, tweet or call can lift someone enormously. We mentioned a story on our Facebook group about how a tweet from an ICU nurse to a radio broadcaster reminded him that his work is keeping other people’s spirits high.

Struggling for words? Why not send someone a song that reminds you of them? Send them a e-card, there are plenty of free sites with a great list available on this post.

This poem from Hollie McNish reminded me how important that simple, “How are you?” is for both you and the other person.

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