Welcome to our Wellbeing during COVID-19 resources blog. Each of our blogs links directly to one of our 6 rules for keeping calm during the COVID crisis.
The joy some of us have experienced being away from our usual work environments has brought into sharp focus how well we can do our jobs when environmental stressors are removed.
For those of us who have not been able to go to work, the thought of returning to our places of work may be causing anxiety.
We know our work environments will have to adapt to allow for social distancing, but we are unclear on how this will impact the way we work.
Companies will be more aware than ever that our lives no longer run on typically similar schedules. Staggering start and end times will undoubtedly become commonplace to account for social distancing on transport networks and staggered school programmes for working parents.
Long before Lockdown, it was evident that the traditional work models were outdated and causing high amounts of stress and burn out. This article explores in more depth, the fallacy of the ‘ideal worker’ and how the lockdown offers a real opportunity...
I'm sure we're all guilty of once having uttered the phrase 'practice makes perfect'. But what does perfect look like, and why do we often view it as a goal to strive for?
In metric driven models such as sales, perfect could be regarded as the most purchased product in a line. But, does that make the product perfect? It may just mean it's cheaper, more available or has smarter packaging design.
Car rental firm Avis ran a hugely successful advertising campaign where the toted the line; "We're number 2, so we try harder."
Having a goal to pursue is an invaluable motivator, provided you have a healthy understanding of goal achievement.
A goal of; I will run 5km in under 30 minutes is a great example of a healthy goal.
Whereas a goal of; I will be the best 5km runner in my age category in the county is pretty unhealthy in many ways.
Your idea of best here, means fastest. However, comparison to others, poor form, an injury or poor support materials could derail you and damage...
Working from home has many plus points - proximity to the fridge and kettle. As well as negative points - proximity to the fridge and kettle.
Jokes aside, we've all had to adjust to make the new normal 'workable'. We're establishing some routines and habits that have enabled us to work in smarter ways.
I've seen a friend relax her child's school hours to happen in the evening time, which better suits her work from home schedule and her daughter's natural energy peak. We've never been able to enjoy this kind of freedom before, but it takes some mental adjusting to overcome old ways of thinking to make it happen.
Finding how to separate work life from home life when it all exists in the same space is something that requires conscious action.
This article describes how we were already skirting a fine line when it comes to personal and professional life separation before the COVID crisis. With the huge upsurge in home working, it's a more important time than ever to...
"I'm fine".
The most overused lie we hear and tell in our everyday lives. It's often said as a reflex response to the question "How are you?".
With many of us conducting team chats over video digital platforms such as Zoom it's even harder to gauge how your team really are doing?
If you're still operating in a work environment you're likely to be faring no better. The changes and added stress in workplaces, now means finding an adequate way and time to check in with your team that needs better thought and planning.
So how do you connect with your team in a meaningful way to ensure they feel heard, supported and motivated?
Rachel has put together a great resources page including a short video, to help you plan better ways to connect with your team during the COVID crisis.
It's very easy to constantly reflex to your phone at the moment. Whether for news updates, checking in on friends and families or (as we're all guilty of) mindlessly scrolling social media.
The immediacy and absorption these apps within our devices provide, makes it very easy to spend far more time on them than we realise. Often the content they offer is far from enlightening or enriching to your everyday life to warrant the time spent on them.
The old adage 'bad news sells', is fuelling an echo-chamber of anxiety inducing stories and self-certified 'experts' to wade in with their tuppence worth.
So how can you break the cycle of circling back to your phone and its persistent notification alerts? This week's You Are Not A Frog podcast with Rachel and Tiny Habits coach, Dr Katherine Hickman offers some great advice to help you better manage your media hits.
Beating Burnout sounds like a game. And maybe adopting a sense of play isn't a bad strategy to adopt.
The book Play Anything by Ian Bogost, teaches us a lot about overcoming our daily anxieties and turning everyday mundanity into a world of playful possibilities.
The problem at the moment, is finding the time to try something like reading can seem challenging.
Yet another task that we 'should' be doing, but when? It seems that in this uncertain time, many of us are busier than ever - whether we're working on the frontline or contained within our homes.
Too much or too little rigour in our schedules can easily lead to a feeling of burnout. Which is why it's so important to plan in 5 minute breaks for yourself.
If you're next question is, 'yes, but what do I do in those 5 minutes to feel satisfied that I've had a mental break?'; then we have a series of suggestions at our Plan Your 5 Minute Break page.
Planning your breaks and sticking to them is...